Wednesday, April 30, 2014

*Insert fly sound* (BzzzZzzZZzZZZZZ)

This shot was taken by Gilbert Taylor, a British cinematographer, who also worked on films such as Dr. Strangelove (1964), The Omen (1976) and Star Wars (1977). On it, we can see the four members of The Beatles (from left to right: Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and John Lennon) running through an alley seeming that they are just playing around or escaping from a minor-fault with some boyish charm on their smiles, when they are really escaping from an horde of fans that are after 'em.

It was taken on 1964, as a part of their film (and also their next album's title) A Hard Day's Night. If we leave apart the fact that it was used as a part of a film, and we just take it as a photo of four band members running and joking, I like it because even if a famous band like The Beatles that constantly have to work administrating their earnings and writing more songs, they have the time to be and to show that they are happy and they like to do what they are doing, it shows like "teenager's happiness", emotion, the will to be alive, DAMN I DON'T KNOW, IT'S HARD TO EXPLAIN!!!. I see it and then I suddenly think that everything will be fine, it transmit a lot of effusivity. That's all, bye!

Love Y'all. Gunshot & Blessings.