Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Well, a zombie is, basically, a dead person that revives as a non-rational being, who only focus on killing other beings -mainly humans- to finally eat their bodies. The first time I heard about 'em was when I was like 11. I always liked to play video games, until someday I discovered a game called "Resident Evil 3", GODDAMN That game really changed my life, it was so stressing. On it, you play as a girl on a town full of zombies, through very narrow streets and corridors, very closed places like police station, etc. Maybe the "best" thing of zombies -for 'em at least- is that they can only die if you penetrate his brain, by a bullet, stab or whatever. It doesn't matter how many times you hit him in the body, you need to penetrate his brain.

I really think that zombies could exist if some disease were created to affect our central nervous system, something that's very probably to happen. If some people believe in zombies, I think they do it just because they believe on magical arts or vodun religion (where the "Zombie" word was first used also as his meaning).
Actually I don't know anything who joined a zombie cult.

I've never been afraid of zombies, I've always like the idea of a non-rational human, very close to an animal instinct, also, that they are more like immortals and they just want to eat and be fatty!!! Yeyy!!!

I don't really know someone who reminds me a zombie, maybe myself just after wake up and looking the mirror, or some of my friends where one of 'em is drunk and walks unbalanced.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"El Kula"

I've always wanted to travel around the world and staying with natives on their own society, trying to know about every culture on this planet, explaining the things that surprised and their lifestyle, beside with acquiring more knowledge and compare them with my own. Before entering the university, I thought this method, the ethnography, was like the "standard" way to know about natives, probably because I've seen a lot of TV programs showing this as the "usual way". What I didn't know, is that the ethnography as we know it was developed by a single man called Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski (April 7th 1884 - May 16th 1942), who's also known for bringing back to life the cultural anthropology. 

What Malinowski did was to put an emphasis on field research, which is to take notes and draws on what surprise us on the physical field we are going to work, also as participant observation. On it, the ethnographer need to live between the subjects he is studying, needing to establish social relationship with em, letting himself go impressed for what's surrounding him: a new lifestyle, people out of the beliefs he had, etc. His most famous work, that's known on the entire planet -also, we read it on Anthropology class- it's called "Argonauts of the Western Pacific"

I think he is a genius, because he found one of the best ways to know about another society which we don't know, beside of that he developed one of the things that I would like to do before I die (the ethnography as participant observation). Also, his "Argonauts of the Western Pacific" it's a very entertaining text, in which you can easily get on the position he was just by reading it, MAKING IT GODDAMN MAGICAL!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Among The Living

As a child, I 've read books like Child's Dracula or Little Red Riding Hood that my mother bought me putting a lot of love inside 'em, and later, some scholar stuffs. Honestly, I haven't read much books, I can't say much about this topic in my life, most of my classmates must have read like 20 or 30 books on their lifes, but me, just about 5 or 7, cause I've wasted my life playing videogames or watching series. What a lazy dumb I was.
I wasn't intereseted on 'em till now, cause "officially" I started to read things I like just like 2 years ago, but now it's almost impossible to me to read things I like, because University it's draining all of my time.
The books I've read were like science-fiction and horror. Actually am reading Game of Thrones,  closer to medieval era, beside of being more realistic than the other ones, so it seems I could read a wide range of books without putting an objetcion. Actually I think my favorite book is Mockingjay, but it is hard to say with Heart-Shaped Box pushing so hard on my mind right now.

The last book I read was Hearth-Shaped Box... and I just fricking love it!!! God, I can't finish just one chapter of the novel cause it's intriguing to me to know what will happen, everynight I read it til' I cant hold my sleeping anymore. It took me like 4 nights -about 14 hours- to read it.

The story it's about a 50-years old rockstar that likes to have eccentric stuffs, so he decides to buy a tuxedo, that was was propperty of a dead man that recently died. After that, he will realize that the dead man was a person he met once...

I would reccomend it to all-age readers, cause its a fantastic book, writte by Jpseph Hillstrom King, aka Joe Hill, Stephen King's son. Marco Arenas, read it.

Sorry if I didn't write this well. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

*Insert fly sound* (BzzzZzzZZzZZZZZ)

This shot was taken by Gilbert Taylor, a British cinematographer, who also worked on films such as Dr. Strangelove (1964), The Omen (1976) and Star Wars (1977). On it, we can see the four members of The Beatles (from left to right: Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and John Lennon) running through an alley seeming that they are just playing around or escaping from a minor-fault with some boyish charm on their smiles, when they are really escaping from an horde of fans that are after 'em.

It was taken on 1964, as a part of their film (and also their next album's title) A Hard Day's Night. If we leave apart the fact that it was used as a part of a film, and we just take it as a photo of four band members running and joking, I like it because even if a famous band like The Beatles that constantly have to work administrating their earnings and writing more songs, they have the time to be and to show that they are happy and they like to do what they are doing, it shows like "teenager's happiness", emotion, the will to be alive, DAMN I DON'T KNOW, IT'S HARD TO EXPLAIN!!!. I see it and then I suddenly think that everything will be fine, it transmit a lot of effusivity. That's all, bye!

Love Y'all. Gunshot & Blessings.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Honestly, I consider myself an animal lover, but am afraid of many species of 'em, like moths (those big ones that are like: I'LL KILL YOU!!!, when they fly around the room), starfishes, crabs, some kinds of fishes and bugs. I respect every kind of animal, but as I said I don't like 'em all, for example, I wouldn't hurt an animal that bite me because I know they are almost full instinct and don't have the same reasoning as humans. Actually I have a dog, It's a Yorkshire terrier called Juanin. It's about 5 years old and  is very kind with everyone, also, when I go out of home, I think it's the one that most misses me, cause when I arrive to house after a hard day of work and hunting on the jungle, it receives me barking, and jumping, and dancing and doing all that dog stuffs.

In my opinion,  use animals for medical research is something very "non-human" (as we would say). I mean, Mr. Scientist, if you wanna know what happens when you apply that medicine, just go, do it to yourself and let someone to write what happens, but, you silly moth*erfuck*er, don't be that coward to experiment it on defenseless beings, that can't even answer if they want or not to be part of tests.

Otherwise, I think that a Zoo, maybe isn't that bad as people sometimes say, cause most times they got animals that had a near-death experience or that were saved for any reason that threatened their life in normal circumstances. I mean, even if they had hailed animals, I would prefer to burn the National Congress of Chile or any circus that uses 'em as a part of the show.

I've never been bitten by a dog, just mine sometimes when we play and he bites my hand, nothing serious. I would say that isn't necessary to ban or muzzle dogs, we just needs people to take care and teach 'em the way to live inside the society.

If I would be an animal, I would be an octopus. (Am afraid of 'em too)
They are just great, some kind of octopuses can change their form and color pattern in less than a second, beside of having a veeeeery flexible body. Plus, THEY HAVE 3 HEARTS! You can shot 'em 2 times and they still won't die. Like an animal version of Chuck Norris.

Love Y'all. Gunshot & Blessings

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bla bla-bless...

This term I take biology, anthropology, philosophy of social science, methodology of social science and my favorite one, archaeology. Beside of having a very funny teacher at this subject, its the main reason am here because that's the career I wanted to study, but sometimes I think about to graduate two times, as an archaeologist and as a physical anthropologist.

Actually am not taking any extracurricular because am just starting this process, and am sure I won't  have enough time to read all the files i have to, beside of being a lazy person at this kind of things, preferring to stay at home or drinking some illicit substance, or just sleeping.

Am not taking any participation on any other activity of the university (excluding the subjects I've said at the beginning), because I often go for something to drink and eat with some anthropology-career fellas and share some time together talking about how hard the life is to us, poor creatures of God ;(

So, if you ask me what am expecting from this new academic period? I've got what I expected, good friends + stress + teachers that knows a lot +  teachers that cannot explain what they know + read, read and read + good friends + alcohol and barbecue. If you don't know how to continue this, neither do I. Bye.

P.S: Sorry, I forgot I take Latinoamerican History too ;)

Love Y'all. Gunshot & Blessings

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I bless you all.

I was born in February 8th, 1996 at Maipú city, where i grew up and where I still living. As a only child, I grew up with my mother, my uncle (one of my mother's brother) and their grandparents. I've never seen my dad, he left my mom as soon as he knew she was pregnant, cause he didn't want to have a son. Thanks to that, my uncle have been my dad and acted like him my entire life, so I've never cared to know my real one father.

From 2001 to 2007 I studied at Franz Liszt School, finishing my elementary school, then I entered at Oxford School (not very "oxford" really) til' 2013, finishing my high school. I had great marks on language and communication and history, also I've always hated math. Actually am studying anthropology at the university, and my classmates know that cause am writing this beside them ;).

I have a lot of "common" hobbies. I really love to play video games, am not one of those who sits the entire weekend or doesn't sleep just for playing 'em, but I enjoy to do it since I was a little boy, being just a 5 years-old boy. I think the older ones from SuperNintendo and Sega consoles are the best. Admit it, all we have played Mario Bros at least one time, right ?

Call me as you wish, maybe a "freak" or "weird" but I like to watch series, anime series, listening music and headbanging like a crazy one (metal rulez m*therf*ckers!!!), but what i like the most is... drinking beer and talking whit my friends. God, that's just great, a moment of relax and happiness, in company. There is something  better than share with friends and laugh every ten seconds? NO!

Am a very optimistic person, I like this world, this nature, this way of life and all the choices we can made to live it as good as we want. By the way, i don't believe in any god or any religion, I think we have to trust in persons, not in an entity that we can't perceive with any sense.

Love Y'all. Gunshot & Blessings