Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Well, a zombie is, basically, a dead person that revives as a non-rational being, who only focus on killing other beings -mainly humans- to finally eat their bodies. The first time I heard about 'em was when I was like 11. I always liked to play video games, until someday I discovered a game called "Resident Evil 3", GODDAMN That game really changed my life, it was so stressing. On it, you play as a girl on a town full of zombies, through very narrow streets and corridors, very closed places like police station, etc. Maybe the "best" thing of zombies -for 'em at least- is that they can only die if you penetrate his brain, by a bullet, stab or whatever. It doesn't matter how many times you hit him in the body, you need to penetrate his brain.

I really think that zombies could exist if some disease were created to affect our central nervous system, something that's very probably to happen. If some people believe in zombies, I think they do it just because they believe on magical arts or vodun religion (where the "Zombie" word was first used also as his meaning).
Actually I don't know anything who joined a zombie cult.

I've never been afraid of zombies, I've always like the idea of a non-rational human, very close to an animal instinct, also, that they are more like immortals and they just want to eat and be fatty!!! Yeyy!!!

I don't really know someone who reminds me a zombie, maybe myself just after wake up and looking the mirror, or some of my friends where one of 'em is drunk and walks unbalanced.